
Little House on the Noosphere

Posts Tagged ‘future

Seven Score Characters: The Gettysburg Tweet

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Learning from Twitter: History so far? Too many words! Less says more.

In yr 3000 history, Gutenberg Bible to Tweets just 1 chapter: “Published Word”. All US history? Just 1 more.

To speak to future, use future’s language and standards!

By future stds: Gettysburg Address, short? Give me a break! (Why! won’t! he! get! to! the! point!?) #lincolnfail

As favor to progeny, the Gettysburg Address, in format not tl;dr…

The Gettysburg Tweet.

Saving history for future readers needs many ruthless editors. Next up: trim all Wikipedia articles to <=140 characters. #twitpedia

«87yr ago natl dads: “All equal.” War tests. Battle hallowed ground > our words. We vow: dead not in vain, govt of/by/for peeps here 4 keeps» - Honest Abe Lincoln, Gettysburg National Cemetary

Written by gojomo

2009-06-24 at 01:34